Very agile, have high burst damage with the capability to chase enemy. They are opportunistic hunters who finds favorable moments within a fight before jumping into fray. They usually take the jungle creeps so as to move around the map freely.
Close range combatants that possess a mix of offensive and defensive capabilities. Fighter has a unique blend of mobility, damage and durability so can server many purpose like knockups, initator, semi tanker, crowd controller or damage dealer.
Magician (abbreviated as mage) has a longer range and mostly with area of effect skills and crowd control that can strike froma distance. Primarily damage on skills and spends a lot of gold on equipment to do more damage and shorter skill cooldown.
Marksman a.k.a. ADC(Attack Damage Carry) are ranged heroes whosse power is almost entirely on their basic attack. They need their items to get stronger but low on health. So they need to be behind the safety of their team and deal massive damage.
Most durable of all other roles. They usually lead the chrage, protect fragile teammates by stunning, initiating, knockups or pushing the dangerous foes away. But they have low damage output. But in good hand tank can be the strongest hero in a game.
A role that can become tank, heal, shield, take damage for teammates so as to let the team to victory. It is usually the support to secure the true Best role award. Mostly support are very much irritating for enemy team as for their poke power.